Fantasy: Realms of Imagination ~25 February 2024, £16
If you like fairy tales, go to this exhibit.
If you like beautiful illustrations and antiques, you will enjoy this exhibit.
This exhibition features a variety of fantasy books, from classics to new works. The free exhibits at British Library are wonderful, but this special exhibit is also great. Personally, I was most impressed by Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens because I could see an early edition of it with illustrations by Arthur Rackham who is my favorite illustrator. 大好きなアーサー・ラッカムのイラストを見られただけでも来てよかったと思いました!

As a Japanese, I thought it was amazing that Studio Ghibli’s Princess Mononoke was on display. 宮崎駿監督は偉大です。海外で展示されていて嬉しい。

Honestly, I thought the ticket price of 16 pounds was expensive, but I was satisfied because I got to see so many beautiful illustrations and some costumes. I was so happy to see Lewis Carroll’s handwritten book. まさか手書きのアリス本を見られると思っていなかったので感激しました。
