I tried hard to remember the names of my colleagues at school in England.


This article was written in Japanese and English.


日本なら「白雪 姫子」という先生がいたら,「白雪先生」か「姫子先生」を覚えればよい場合がほとんどだと思うのです。私は人の名前を覚えるのが苦手なので,名字か名前のどちらかを覚えるので割と精一杯です。


  • そもそも日本人の名前すら覚えるのが苦手なのに,外国の人の名前を覚えるのは難しい。
  • 子どもの前だと”Mr. Potter”のように名字で呼び合い,大人同士だと”Harry”のように名前で呼び合うので,名字と名前の両方を覚えないといけなかった
  • 各自,首から名札を下げているものの,小さい字で名字しか書いていなかった。
  • 日本なら誰でも「○○先生」と”先生”を付ければよいのに,Mr.(ミスター)Mrs.(ミセス)Miss.(ミス)Ms.(ミス)と人によって違う
  • 先生からアシスタント,事務室,キッチンの人までたくさんの人と関わり,お世話になった。


I tried hard to remember the names of my colleagues at school in England. This is because in English schools, in front of children, teachers call each other by their surnames, adding Mr. and Mrs., and adults call each other by their first names, so it was necessary to memorize both their first and last names. Moreover, I had to remember whether it was Mrs. or Miss. In Japan, it’s easy because you just need to add “Sensei” after the person’s last name or first name. For example, if there is a teacher named Minerva McGonagall, you would call her either Minerva Sensei or McGonagall Sensei. It doesn’t matter their gender or whether they are married. You can memorize either the surname or first name and add “Sensei”. It doesn’t matter how you call them in front of children or between adults. I’m not good at even remembering Japanese names, so it was difficult for me to remember foreign names, both first and last names. I think you can get along better with others if you remember their names, so I wrote them down not to forget them. When I said, “Please write your name,” everyone willingly wrote it. I was happy that my colleagues also remembered my name.


