This article was written in Japanese and English.
フィンランドで先生の名前を言わずに「ティーチャー(英語)」「オペ または オペッタヤ(フィンランド語で「教師」はopettaja)」だけで呼び掛けるのは,日本で「先生」と,どの先生相手にも言うのと似ているなと思いました。日本と同じで,先生が女性でも男性でも同じだそうです。人の名前を覚えるのが苦手な私にはありがたい話。
I previously wrote an article about how difficult it was to remember the names of teachers in English schools. I had to remember the names of many foreign teachers, including their first and last names and whether they were married. After that, I went to a school in Finland and was surprised. I only had to remember the first name of the teachers. Moreover, I was surprised that the children were allowed to call the teacher by his/her first name. It is interesting because it’s something you don’t see in either Japanese or English schools.